Note 2-Praying and Fasting guide-PAFUMH

Day 2-Monday 4th of November
PAFUMH Guidance Note

After thanksgiving, we ought to confess our sins and ask for forgiveness and come to repentance. He died that you may live, a sinless life.

You wonder how possible was it for someone to die for your sins. I wondered too, Paul also wondered. Romans 5:6-10. That's the essence of true friendship. It is impossible to really comprehend fully the extent of that sacrifice.

It is for this reason that you have an assurance that no matter how bad your sin is, there is a blood that was shed on Calvary. We return to that blood for redemption and forgiveness of sin every time. In fact, it was envisaged that you would not naturally believe your sin could be forgiven. Is 1:18

Hence when God gave us the opportunity to humble ourself and bow down to Him, it's part of the dividends of salvation. 2 Chro 7:14-15
Our part is to have a contrite heart and a humble spirit. Ps 51:17. The rest is left to God. We have assurance that He will forgive. 1 John 1:9

Humble yourself through fasting and prayers for the next 12 hours, and see the miracle of humility and repentance . He also endured the cross and despised the shame. He is  now enthroned and seated above. Heb 12:2. You too can be.

Prayer Book referral:
Pages 3-21 contain prayers of forgiveness in different forms

Set time aside to pray for double numerical increase in NCC worldwide


NB: if you don't have the prayer book, ask your house group leader.


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