Day 12-PAFUMH ....Prayers in our Business and Employment week

Day 12-PAFUMH 

It takes God to promote, it takes God to increase and it takes God to flourish.

For exaltation comes neither from the east Nor from the west nor from the south. But God is the Judge: He puts down one, And exalts another. (Psalms 75:6, 7 NKJV)

The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those who are planted in the house of the Lord Shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit in old age; They shall be fresh and flourishing, To declare that the Lord is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him. (Psalms 92:12-15 NKJV)

I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor. (I Corinthians 3:6-8 NKJV)

We need to concentrate on those in church who are unemployed, employed but not happy with employment, happy with employment but want promotion, those who are in business, or want to start a business, those who are professionals, those who are training to be professionals, those who are contracting, and finally those who are in school looking into the future and getting ready for employment .

We therefore need to commit to waiting and praying this week. Use the scriptures quoted above to draw out prayer points. I have prayers below that can help you. Mention the names of those in your house groups who fall into this category, and send names of those who have specific prayer needs with regards to this theme to me for further prayers.

Father, you are the employer of labour. Today I declare that you have employed me in JN
Father, prepare me for employment
Father engage me in employment
Father teach skills that I do not know, so that I can be gainfully employed
My father and my God, speak into my circumstance, terminate every vacuum in my life
Glorious God, my time for exaltation has come, assist me to step into it 
My father touch my head, and sanctify my hands.
Lord, put an end to this season of unemployment in my life
My king and master you have done it for other testifiers , let me also partake in the goodness of your testimonies
The exalter of men, exalt me today
The promoter of people, promote me oh Lord
Every bane of unemployment, lift it oh lord
Every bondage of inhibition in the area of employment, remove by fire
Every limitation suppressing my blessing in this area, oh lord, dismantle by force
My father and merciful God, show your mercy from today
God of gods, as we start this new working week, start a new working experience in me
My father, this week is my week, and I step into it gloriously
Show your hand of goodness in my life oh lord
Let my shame and frustration in this area be terminated with speed
Every struggle, financial struggle connected to unemployment, destroy oh Lord.
Blow your wind of blessing my way oh lord
I speak by your authority into the four winds of life, let them bring my employment 
I speak into every corner of Gods creation, let jobs be created for me
Oh Lord, wherever, I have planted my cv, let there be a move of the Holy Spirit
Command every attention necessary to glorify me in this area oh lord
Declare me as fit and proper for promotion oh lord.
Gainfully employ me oh lord
Joyfully employ me oh lord.
Covenantly employ me oh lord.

NB: Please list names of at least 5 people who have long standing experience of unemployment, and start to decree at this stage.

Father terminate every long time spirit of unemployment in our life
Destroy every long standing weakness in my cv
Anoint my cv specially in JN
Create for me, around me, speak perfume for favour
Favor me this week oh lord
Sanctify my tongue for this interview oh lord
Let me have a clout of love
Place me before interviewers that you have chosen oh lord
Let my name rings in their ears for selection oh lord
Take out every painful tear shed over unemployment
Break every yoke of unemployment
Destroy every fabric of unemployment
Your children cannot be unemployed, so from today open the  windows of heaven and send down your rain.
(To be continued)

Prayer book reference:

Pray with determination that your church NCC will multiply and spread like fire in JN Amen.

Be glad this week in JN Amen



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