Day 17-Communicating with God

Day 17-Communicating with the some reading up
  • My father and my God, teach me to speak in heavenly language.
  • Teach me to communicate with you.
  • Liberate me from flesh
  • Make me a living wonder.
In the next 12 hours, I wish above all things that you wait on The Lord, and meditate on quoted scriptures, and wholeheartedly ask God to grant you wisdom. Prov 4vs7
This will help you to fully enjoy praying and your communication with the Lord.

Let me take you through what I have taught for the last 2 weeks:

You must understand the following:

To hear God and speak with him, you must

1.          Be born again, see Gen 2:7; 1 Cor 15vs45-49; John 3vs5-8

2.          Prayers are like seed planted...they only yield to good soil. Parable of the sower. Mt 13vs8. Matt 9;23

3.        If they are seed, then it takes time to reach harvest...don't keep checking it out...Mk 4vs 26-29.  Parable of the wheat and the tares. Mt 13vs11-17;29

4.        Once planted in the right soil, you must be sure that harvest is certain. It's not your faith, it's foundational assurance of God's faithfulness to His own word. Mark 4vs26-29.

5.        There are many promises of benefits in the word that we could lay claim for, than what you need prayer for

6.        However, the problem is, God is a spirit, hence, can only understand spiritual language. This is because the act of praying is a spiritual exercise. Only spirit beings can commune with the spirit. 1Cor: 2vs6 -16

7.        Flesh cannot commune with spirit.

8.        So to be able to pray and harvest, effectively, you need to learn the language of the spirit or develop it: JN 4vs21-24...God is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.

Master these 'inspirations for enlivening the Holy Spirit':
a.         Worship...God dwells, enthroned, inhabits in the praises of his people. The angels attend to our prayers, but God reacts to our praise. See Jacob and the ladder of angels. Ps 22:3; Gen 28vs10-22
b.        Praying in the spirit. Jude 1:20. But you beloved, building up yourself on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost ... Rm 8:9-26
c.         Fasting. Is 58 in its entirety
d.        Living, written and Rhema words...Is 55vs11.          

Meditate on these passages to lay claim to the following:                              

1. His creative powers...Gen 1 verses 4-9......also Gen 1 v31 he says then he sees as very good. Gen 2:18....showed mercy to's not good for man to be alone.....and Adam sees too verse 23....the man with the withered hand....Mark 3:1-4

2. His deliverance powers...Mark 5: 7-12....madman of gadarene ... Obadiah 1: 17...But on mountain Zion there shall be deliverance....and holiness

3.His victorious powers...2nd Chro vs 13 - 24....2 Chro20:20, Paul and Silas; Victory over Pharaoh , Victory of     Daniel in Lions Den and Shadrach and others in fiery furnace. Victory in Jericho, victories over Goliath....yet in all these things we are more than conquerors Rm 8:37

4. His miraculous powers....John 5 verse at the pool of Bethesda JN,  Widow of Nain,  Luke 7vs11....Jesus had compassion on her. Ex 14....parting of the red sea,  Lazarus. John 11;, turning of water into wine. John 2

5. His provision powers.....Phil 4:19 ...And my God shall supply all your needs....Ps 35 vs 27....I have been young.. Matthew 14 v 14....God has pleasure in the prosperity of his people;  and in Matthew 15 v 32....the feeding of the 4000 and 5000....the soles of their feet did not have holes... Haggai 2 vs 8...the silver and the gold are his..Psalm 50 vs 10... the cattle upon a thousand hills....Psalm 2 vs 8...ask me of the nations, widow of Zarepath , the lepers at the gate of Samaria. Manna from heaven, water from the rocks, turning of the bitter water into sweet.

  • Master the names of JESUS. 
Prayer book reference -  pages 209-216

Pray that God will blow His wind of change on our churches that will move us from glory to glory


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