Day 3-Praying and Fasting Until Miracles happen(PAFUMH)

Day 3-Guidance note.

We have entered a 3 day series of 'dangerous prayers' for fruit of the body, business, church and family

The door of heaven is open over you, and shall open over me. You are basking in the assurance that you cannot be denied His blessings. This day starts your journey to fruitfulness. Shame is taken away from you for ever. Laughter is rooted on your head in JN Amen.

You shall be fruitful. You shall be filled. You shall be fulfilled.

Let me set the basis of this confidence and assurance:
1. God want us to be fruitful. It's more of a command, a decree, a divine direction rather than a promise. Gen 1:28
2. It is part of the master agenda for creation and the created. It is part of what God said He found very good. Gen 1:31
3. When He destroyed the earth by a flood, he left a remnant in Noah and his family to continue to procreate. He swore that the destruction of the earth by the calamitous flood shall never happen again. Simple. He wants to ensure that your fruitfulness continues eternally, if Jesus tarries. Gen 8:22
4. He decreed that none shall be barren in His house. Ex 23:26. Duet 7:14. Seems the only condition He gave for you to be under this joyful decree, is that you continually be in his house. None shall be barren in my house. You shall not be barren in any area of your life.
5. He gave his own Son as a seed to bear fruit(us) to Himself, so that through Him(his Son) we shall never be barren. John 3:16. He relies on us to bear more and much fruit. John 15:16. Jesus took the curse of barrenness and it's related consequences, and set you free. Gal 3:13-14
6. He desires that your own fruits become a heritage and a reward, so that fruitfulness shall never cease in our houses for ever. Ps 127:3-5

Using the above, declare and be assured that the following prayers are answered:
a) I shall enjoy and partake in the master plan of God for man's fruitfulness in JN Amen
b) I shall become the vessel to fulfil God's agenda for fruitfulness
c) I am a product of his prophetic utterance pertaining to fruitfulness, I manifest gloriously in it
d).Every spirit of barrenness shall not manifest in my life
e) Every curse of barrenness shall not alight on me and shall flee from me in the mighty name of Jesus
f)  I call forth God's heritage and it's reward to manifest speedily in my life in JN Amen.
g) Declare the blessings in Deut 28:1-13
h) Every planted animal that feeds on my seed and destroy my fruit, I uproot you by force and by fire
i) Every missing fruit, every damaged fruit, every defiled seed and every cursed fruit. I speak the word of God and make a declaration today, "an end has come for you in my life. Be terminated, be destroyed, be hurriedly cast out of my business, my womb and my family in JN name Amen. Settled.
j) every secret tears shed over barrenness, disappear today in the mighty name of Jesus. Every headache of shame and wailing over lack of fruitfulness be drowned in JN Amen.

Prayer book referral:
Pages 171-176

To be continued on day 4

Be blessed, I am already seeing the miracles of fruitfulness.

Remember to continue to pray for numerical increase of the NCC worldwide.

1. Miracle of thanksgiving
2. Miracle of forgiveness and repentance
3. Miracle of fruitfulness


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