Day 1
1st November 2013

Notes 1 for Guidance during Season of PARFUMH
2 Chronicles 7:14/15

Welcome to the beginning of your miracle. Every hanging or delayed miracle is released unto you now. Amen
Consider the following as a guide for your fasting and prayers during this month of PARFUMH (praying and fasting until miracles happen)

One thing is clear: People can do everything for you, but they cannot reach the heart of God for you. 
The heart of God is reached through Praise, Thanksgiving and Worship.
Therefore our first day of PARFUMH shall be devoted to 12 hours of Praise, Worship and Thanksgiving.
Find 12 things including people, institutions, relatives and siblings you can thank God for
Praise is honouring God for what He is, His creations, and His loving dispositions. Psalm 67; Ps 100
Thanksgiving is expressing thanks for what He has done and what He will yet do, despite your circumstances. 1 Thess5:18
Worship is lifting God up for what He is, and what He represents to us, and for us. Exalting Him. Ps 46
So, for the next 12 hours, meditate on the above and find moments to praise, worship and offer thanksgiving to the Lord.
...and volunteer to pray and thank God for numerical increase in NCC worldwide.
 Believe that your prayers have been answered.1 John 5:14-15

Prayer Book references
Pages 157-158;185-186




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