Day 20-Unity attracts mercy, grace and favour

Guys, congratulations for this month's chain fasting. Not surprised that we have been empowered as we continue to walk in spirit. We are grateful and feel honoured that God can use us as vessels of honour and it feels wonderful to know that you are ready and willing to stand with us in unity. 

Ps 133:1-3 says

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, Running down on the beard, The beard of Aaron, Running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, Descending upon the mountains of Zion; For there the Lord commanded the blessing— Life forevermore. (Psalms 133:1-3 NKJV)

You shall receive blessings forever more. Keep on praising him with expectation of fruits Ps 67; and never allow joy to cease in your life. Joel 1v11: Joy shall not wither in your life in Jesus Name. Amen

Let's look at grace on some biblical characters :

Jehoiachin: it was the mercy of God (2kings 25v27-30)
A captured King, a subdued kingdom, and dejected people in slavery. Then suddenly the mercy of God descended on the King, and he began to eat with the royals.
Mercy shall free you from every bondage in your life. Amen.
This month in the mighty name of Jesus, you will be released to partake in the inheritance of the people of God. Amen.

Paul : it was the Grace of God (2 Cor 12 v 9)

Maybe there is a challenge you are facing, maybe there is depression that has hit you, maybe there seems to be no strength in you. By the grace that was available to Paul, this month you shall be immersed in that grace and flourish in Jesus Name Amen.

David: it was the favour of God (1Sam 16 v 11-13)

Yes, in the past you have been ignored, deprived, denied and neglected. This month of November is your month of PAFUMH. All such that have passed you by, will come back to pay you big. You will receive an accelerated blessing that will catapult you to your rightful place of honour in Jesus Name. Favour that has been incubating for sometime now will birth a huge favour for you in Jesus Name. Amen.

Joseph: it was the mercy, the grace, the favour and then the blessings of God. (Gen 41 vs. 1-57)

God has chosen everything opposite what your enemy might wish for you this month. He has given you joy instead of sorrow, beauty for ashes, promotion for demotion, goodness for sadness, he has indeed turned your circumstances round about for good. His mercy, grace and favour will conspire for you for a great blessing in Jesus Name Amen. God will do whatever it will take to grant you divine upliftment this month. Amen x 3 in JN settled.

Bullet prayers:
  • My God and my my feeble knee today in JN
  • My father ...remove every thorn from my soil today in JN
  • My father our father ...take charge of my life oh God....shape my life to meet with my purpose tonight
  • All that is well with me will not be bad for me...amen
  • Surprise me by fire and by force ...break my mouth into several laughter
  • My father my source my my star...the time to bless me start not let me miss out amen.
  • My father ...remove every thorn from my soil today in JN
  • Again I declare with assurance ...My father our father ...take charge of my life oh God....shape my life to meet with my purpose today.
  • Let me wake up to a new and blessed landscape oh my father. Amen x 3 settled in JN Amen.
  • Crack open every sealed blessings for me.
  • Dig up every hidden treasure.
  • Wake up every dead breakthrough
  •  fashion out the best garment for me.
  • Tailor made blessings await me oh my father.
  • Rain of blessings begin to fall from tonight.
  • Turn my shame to honor.
  • Turn my sorrow to dancing. I will dance I must dance ...let dancing break out in my house from tonight ...celebration that has no end oh my father.

Guys, as I rejoice with people rejoicing with me today, you shall rejoice forever. I am grateful ...

Release joy of divine growth in NCC worldwide.

Be well, stay well


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