Day 6-Singles-unmarried

Day 6: PAFUMH 
Singles - The Unmarried
Gen 2:18...and God said it is not good for man to be alone.

If God says something it's not is not good for all intents and purposes. As a continuation of our prayers and fasting , I want you to concentrate and intercede for the singles either adults or young that are of marriageable age and desire to marry or find a life partner. It is not good if they are not married. It reduces our ability to harvest more fruits. For the next 12 hours, please pray using this guidance note in the following areas:

Father you say every good thing comes from you, so we know whatever is not good it's not from you. We pray for every single of marriageable age, from today let the perfume of your anointing be upon them. James 1:17
Father, let them be found for marriage. Pro 18:22
Let them be found(women) or let them find(men) by the bone of their bone and flesh of their flesh. Gen 24:26-27
We reject on their behalf loneliness in the mighty name of Jesus
We reject for them a life of singleness in the mighty name of Jesus
We declare and decree that every impediment and inhibition preventing them from reaching this destiny, be brought down in the mighty name of Jesus
We pray fervently, that whatever is required within God's plan and purpose to make this happen, God shall do for them in Jesus Name
Our father and our God, this month, we pray for divine visitation
Our father and our God, this month, we pray for divine engagement
Our father and our God, this month we pray for divine encounter
We decree that our singles shall be covenantally married
We decree that our singles shall be delightfully engaged
We banish any deceiver and time wasters from their horizon
We decree joy in our church on behalf of our singles
We decree and place a demand on heaven that our church shall be filled with weddings and celebrations.
Our father and our God, grant them the grace to choose, and the wisdom to choose right.

Ensure that you pray these prayers by targeting names of singles, if possible.

Prayer book referral
Pages 43-45

You cannot miss your miracles, you must not miss your breakthrough, your star shall shine. Arise, shine for your glory has come. Is 60:1
Be the best you are

Pastor Tayo
Ncc Worldwide must grow, pray!




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