Dear Disciple,

It is always important that you are prepared for elevation or promotion or before you move into something new. Funny enough it could be to a new job, career, marriage, ministry, or even retirement etc. As we prepare for this move, we should also prepare spiritually. Most of us don’t prepare with expectation. Expectation must bring preparation as its first cousin. This month as you are expecting to be lifted in all the areas: spiritually, physically, and in all the …ally, I implore you to also begin to prepare in your heart for the elevation. See, what could have happened if there was no water in the jars at the wedding at Canaan (see John 2:6 ) Simple: NO WINE!!!! Jesus could only turn something to anything. He could fill the jars with water, but he wouldn’t, a waste of time. He was a Guest like all others. But thank God that the first miracle came by some people who prepared the water, and fetched the water into the jars. Some of us wonder why we should prepare for what we have not seen. At least the devil you know it’s better than the one you do not know or as they say it: certainty is better than uncertainty. NO WAY. You see the bible says (2 Cor 4:18 ) the things that are seen are temporal, but the things that we do not see are eternal. The day you begin to see things and prepare for the things that are not seen as if they were, you are spiritually been elevated, and you begin to operate in the eternal things. We walk by faith not by sight. (2 Cor 5:7)

For a very simple and basic example: When I started immigration work in 1993, I bought myself a mobile phone, and I switched it on 24 hours!!! Why? I was ready to move on being called by anybody in detention, airports, police station etc. It did not matter to me what time, and where I would go. On the move I received calls anywhere, wherever. Imagine I did not buy the phone, because of money, and having bought the phone I did not switch it on….NO CLIENT!!

In some kingdoms, heirs to the throne are prepared for the thrones so that they know the chores when they become kings, parents prepare nursery for the new baby that is still in the womb, pastors begin to prepare for the congregation before the Sunday service, To the bible; Christ was prepared for 30 years for His role that spanned over only 3 years: Esther was prepared for the king before presentation, God prepared everything ready for man before forming man, The woman with the alabaster jar of expensive perfume, prepared Jesus for His death and burial: So why are we not in the habit of preparation for the next step. The way faith works is that the heart that is well prepared for promotion will believe the promotion, prepare for the promotion, and will pray the promotion through. You are able to pray effectively, when you have captured the thing in your mind. Substance of things hoped for; evidence of things not seen, (Heb 11:1) “Until you are prepared for elevation, you are not prepared for elevation” It is like a dress rehearsal, but it is a spiritual dress rehearsal…you know the last one, when you put on all the real costume, and act it out as if it’s real. All actors before taking up roles always enmesh themselves in the life of the fictional characters, until they become real to them. Sir Anthony Hopkins in “Silence of the Lambs” read a lot about serial killers; their profiles etc, and in fact visited some crime scenes, and met and interviewed some serial killers in prison!!! If not how could he have acted such a profound and weird character like Hannibal Lector. Same goes for Jack Nicholson in “One flew over the Cuckoo’s nest” and recently “About Schmitt” All the films won awards.

So, if your turning point is to £1m, begin to think like a millionaire, speak like one, plan like one, talk like one: my friends say it, tell it and do it, and then say it. What you will experience will beat your imagination. You see, because you are a spirit who has a soul and live in a body, that experience will begin to attract all spiritual things that are associated with a millionaire, and as you begin to eat the words of God(Bible) your spirit man is fed with faith; your soul begins to lounge for soul-ish food, books and all what, that talks about how to become a millionaire, and then your mind will begin to react as such, and before you know it, your balanced diet which is the food for the body, will change to that of a millionaire. Eventually you will be. If you believe it you will have it, if you don’t believe you will not have it. Simple. Same applies to everything, look, I mean everything. Your career, business, marriage, children, ministry etc. And that is how I have lived my life, and conduct my business, and the church. Anytime I perceive a promotion or I want to take the next level or want something, I begin to say it, feel it, and then do it. It always comes through for me…It will come through for you in Jesus Name. Amen. But, there are other things that you need to do….not now ….tomorrow…and one at a time.


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