Just like the farmer in our story was blessed with a goose, not with a golden egg, God blesses our tangibles and intangibles to bring out the fruits there from. Hence ensure you do not forsake the days of humble beginnings. The story of the man who gave out talents in Matthew 25:14-30 is very appropriate. The man that got one talent was a mean man, he wanted more without working on the little he was given. He was condemned. Throughout the bible we see examples of how God operate. Let us see some examples:

1. He gave Moses a rod. Ex 4:2. And the Lord said to him 'what is in your hand?' This was a small thing that Moses already had use of, in looking after his father in law's flock. But when it was anointed for service of God, the rod delivered miracles including delivering a whole nation. When the Lord want to deliver a nation, he gives a rod.
That same rod, became a serpent Ex 4:3;4:17;7:10
That same rod parted the Red Sea Ex 14:16
That same rod brought out water from the rocks Ex 17:6
That same rod in the hand of Aaron budded! Numbers 17:8;Hebrew 9:4
So Moses had to be careful with it, and when he abused it, it became a rod of anger that prevented him from entering the promised land. Numbers 20:12. Be careful how you treat your 'rod'!!

2. When God want to promote you, he gives you a vision. He gave Joseph a dream. Gen 37:5;9 Even though that same dream landed him in the pit, Potiphar's house and the prison, and on each occasion he was ridiculed and maligned, but he kept the dream in his heart. God saw that he was faithful in his vision, and God added to him an interpretation of dreams. He solved the riddle of the Butler and the Baker. Gen 40, and ultimately Pharaoh Genesis 41. He got his promotion. What do you see?

3. When God want to give you a nation, he would give you a skill, a gift. He gave David a gift of playing the harp that was medicine to Saul. He gave him the gift of using the sling. He slew for him a bear and a lion. He killed Goliath and ultimately became a King. 1 Samuel 17:34;40; 1Samuel 16:16-18
When he abused his position, God promptly punished him.

4. And when God want to bring a Nation out of you, he sends you His word. In Isaiah 9:8 the bible tells us that The Lord sent his word to Jacob and it lighted on Israel. As wonderful and prosperous as Abraham and Isaac were, it was Jacob that became Israel.

5. When God wanted to save us, He gave His son. Isaiah 9:6. For unto us a Child is born, unto us a son is given. If you accept Jesus today, He will save you and be the government of your life. John 3:16

6. When God want to honour you, he gives you integrity, to control yourself, to be prudent, not age! Methuselah was the oldest person on earth, but the bible says of him, he died! But his father was Enoch, not as old as half his age, but God took him and he was no more. He had integrity. Genesis 5: 21-27.

7. Finally, God requires that you worship him with a joyful heart and with gladness. Anything less will attract a curse! Deuteronomy 28:47, the bible teaches that without joyfulness, and gladness of heart, we are cursed. We will not be cursed in Jesus Name. Amen. Serve in the house of God without grumbling, don't gossip against your Pastors and leaders, be pure in heart Titus 1:15. Take hatred out of your heart and open yourself up for blessings.  Hannah got her prayers answered as she left the presence of the Lord and Eli, the bible says she ate and her face was no longer sad.

God bless you.



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