Also in Psalm 92: 12-14- God's word confirm His expectation for the righteous. Be righteous and you will flourish
like a palm tree.
What do we mean by being righteous? It is not a state of being 100% pure and holy. If so the psalmist wouldn't have stated in Proverbs 24:16 'for a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again, but the wicked shall fall by calamity' When we say righteous it means being in line with God's word. So, even when you sin, you have a right to seek His forgiveness, and He will cleanse you of all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9.
The use of the word 'palm-tree' is a simile. A simile is a figure of speech in which two unlike things are explicitly compared. A righteous shall be like a palm tree. We cannot understand how blessed we are to be compared to a palm tree until we find out how blessed and enriched the palm tree is.
'Riches in the Palm tree'
1. Oil products
2. Medicinal usages and ripe old age
3. Wood furnitures
4. Refreshing drinks
5. and many others, including religious ceremonies.
The palm tree has been said to have numerous benefits. Hence, when you are righteous, God is saying you will have multifaceted benefits and usages to Him and to the world.
And when you operate within God's spheres and purpose, your benefits will be beyond old age, it will include assurance of blissful earth and saintly heaven. This was the experience of Abraham. I desire a better destiny than that of Abraham for you. Amen.
To be continued.
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