Just like the farmer in our story was blessed with a goose, not with a golden egg, God blesses our tangibles and intangibles to bring out the fruits there from. Hence ensure you do not forsake the days of humble beginnings. The story of the man who gave out talents in Matthew 25:14-30 is very appropriate. The man that got one talent was a mean man, he wanted more without working on the little he was given. He was condemned. Throughout the bible we see examples of how God operate. Let us see some examples: 1. He gave Moses a rod. Ex 4:2. And the Lord said to him 'what is in your hand?' This was a small thing that Moses already had use of, in looking after his father in law's flock. But when it was anointed for service of God, the rod delivered miracles including delivering a whole nation. When the Lord want to deliver a nation, he gives a rod. That same rod, became a serpent Ex 4:3;4:17;7:10 That same rod parted the Red Sea Ex 14:16 That same rod brought out water from ...