November-Great month of answered prayers

I welcome you to an awesome month. A month of peculiar prayers, and great expectations of answered prayers. The earth is thirsty for water. We will pour our souls out unto the Lord and He will help us satisfy the earth. Angels are waiting to take our prayers by ascending and descending just like Jacob’s  ladders. Gen 28:12.

Prayer is essential in the life of a Chritian and some said, the currency of heaven is praise, but I say the currency on earth is in prayer denominations. 
‘Pray when you feel like praying, pray when you do not feel like praying, pray until you feel like praying. In 1Sam 12:23, the bible says ‘Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against God in ceasing to pray for you. The prophet saw prayerlessness as a sin. No wonder Paul, in his letter to the church in Thessalonica says ‘pray without ceasing’ 1Thess 5:17’ Jesus, also admonished us by saying ‘men ought to pray and not faint’ Luke 18:1.

Prayers have glorious and amazing ways to change our life and circumstances. Key into it and your life will be filled with glorious testimonies. The story goes that John Knox in the 16thCentury, prayed so much that he declared ‘Lord give me Scotland or I die!’ Historians said revival broke out shortly after. David Yonggi Cho also prayed to Jesus Christ to heal him of tuberculosis. He is reputed to be the Pastor of the largest church in the world. These happened in the past and is still happening in our times.

You can affect your life by praying. I therefore invite you to join us in New Covenant Church Edmonton 65 Church Street, Edmonton London N9 9PY as we approach the throne of grace with prayers and fastings through-out the month of November. We will praise, we will give thanks, we will cry unto Him, and make supplications and petitions. At the end, we will have victory in all areas. Amen.

I will begin a series on Prayers on this blog every Saturday, till the end of November.

Time table for the prayer meetings will be sent a week in advance. Fastings will be in three stages:
1.       8pm-3pm the following day( if you choose this type, start your fasting from 8pm this Saturday)
2.       12 mindnight-3pm
3.       6am-6pm
You are free to determine on a weekly basis what type of fasting you want to embark on for the week.
The prayer meetings will be for 1 hour majorly at the church sanctuary at the address above, unless otherwise advised.
Time: 7pm-8pm Mondays to Fridays
           Sundays-as part of the church service. Church service starts at 10:30am

Daily theme starting from 
Sunday the 1st of November-Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving. 1Thess 5:18
Monday 2nd of November- Confessing unto the Lord. Ps 51
Tuesday 3rd of November -Cry unto the Lord. Ps 34:4-6
Wednesday 4th of November-Power from above. Acts 10:38
Thursday 5th of November-Protection from the Lord. Ps 54
Friday 6th of November-Battle against unbelief(Peniel Service-NCC 506-510 Old Kent Road. SE1 5BA)
Saturday 7th of November-healing from the Lord. Jer 8:22; Mal 4:2

Be Blessed.


  1. Great!
    Thank you sir
    Not to be missed
    The Lord will answer all petition in Jesus name

  2. Thank you my Pastor, can't wait for this. God bless you more Sir Amen.

  3. Thank you sir, I am expectant and full of expectation. I pray for divine strength for you and yours throughout the month and beyond IJMN.

  4. I had a dream weds/thurs morning. That I had been held captive in a place and against my will. All efforts to escape was aborted until a pastor came whom I recognised to be my family member and walked me out of the front gate. I was surprised the gate was ajar and thought to myself how come I and other hewld captive hadn't taken this way out. I was finally free. I woke and shared this with my husband about 8am. Layer that they Pastor Tayos bible passages for the day came and I read the story of Peter's liberation in Acts 12. This further confirmed what I had dreamt... Halleluyah. Thought I should share.


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