Destiny 6(c)-Sanctification

Jer 1:5...I sanctify you

When God has ordained you, given you an assignment, He finds joy in sanctifying you. At this stage, He sees you as part of Him and a vessel to carry out His assignment here on earth. 1 Cor 3:9 says that we are Gods fellow workers, God's fields and God's building. People see you and effectively can see God in you. You have become the epistle that people read. 2 Cor 3:2-3 'you are our epistle, written in our hearts, known and read by all men, clearly you are the epistle of Christ'

If you are God's building, you better accept to be properly built with no faulty foundation. 
Ps 11:3 says if the foundation be wrong what can the righteous do. 
Ps 127:1-2 confirms that can anyone build a house that God is not building or watch over a city that is watch-less by God? No Way

Sin is sin. No sin is greater or smaller. The most important thing is to be sensitive to what you say or do or even think! 

Anyone on Gods side or assignment must be so cautious. Moses, despite his meekness (he was the meekess) and his glorious friendship with God did not physically make the promised land. Why, he was too familiar with God and thought he could disobey God and get away. God saw anger in him and he stopped him. Ecc 7:8. Be patient. Imbibe fruit of the spirit. Let your garments be always white. Ecc 9:8

It is the little foxes that mess up our vines and tender grapes. Ecc 2:15. What bible  called weights: all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking. Strike out bad friends, evil counsel and anything and anyone that would inhibit your glorious destiny.

What must I do to remain Sanctified?
At this level, your worst enemy is SIN. You must depart from iniquity-stay away from the devil He wants to bring you down so that your destiny would not be established. 
Sin is a leakage -a destroyer of destiny
Never toy with sin if you don't want to become a toy in the hands of the devil. 
Remember the wages of sin is death.
Sanctification is key for life and godliness. If you are not on the right hand of God, you are on the left of the devil. Don't be left with the devil.

There are Blessings you enjoy for living a sanctified life. Godliness is profitable
  1. Empowerment. The purer you are the more empowered you are. Purity=power. It precedes empowerment. Jesus came from a Virgin Mary. Power of the most high shall overshadow you. Ps 45:6-8...thy throne oh lord is forever. Gods throne is built on righteousness. God hates wickedness  Impurity discharges power. See the life of Samson. Know that no man put new wine into an old bottle. 
  2. Unlimited revelation: secret of the Lord is with them. Ps 25:12-14. Fear him and he will show them his secrets. Joseph gained access. He walked in the fear of God. Daniel. The secrets was revealed Dan 2:18. Dan 1:8. He purposed in his heart not to sin or be part of a sinful agenda. Mark 4:11...unto you it's given to know. 1 Peter 2:22-25. A dog does not go back to his vomit. Prob 8:13...the fear of God is to depart from iniquity. Don't sit, chat and plan with evil men. 
  3. Health and vitality. The purer you are the healthier you become. Cleanliness is healthiness. God made man clean. Sin brought sickness. Some come as an attack of the enemy. Remember the Blind man brought to Jesus in John 9. His disciples asked Jesus, who sinned. Sickness can come as an attack, as a result of sin, and bad habits. However, the origin of all sickness is sin. Gen 2:15-17; Rm 1:23-32. Live in love. Those who live in bitterness are living in sickness, same with envy, it costs you more on your nerve. “As he loved cursing, so let it come to him; As he did not delight in blessing, so let it be far from him. "Psalms 109:17 NKJV. Those who live pure live long. 
  4. All round profiting. Profitable life style 1 Tim 4:7-8 exercise yourself to godliness. You have to exercise. It is not easy to remain sanctified. Begin to resist the devil and he will flee from you. Godliness is profitable for all things. In Job1, God boasted about Job, who was blessed in all things and was wealthy. 'Have you seen my servant Job'. Job's righteousness brought him untold wealth. For leaders, your standards must be high, but you must also be sensitive. 1 Tim 3...must not be double tongued...everyone wants a godly person with marriages, bizs etc Jacob was with Laban and Laban prospered, Joseph also was another great person to be with.
  5. Access to unending progress. Prob shines more and more. Supernatural progress. Eg. Job. Anything built on unrighteousness can't fly. Eagle is the purest of all birds . They remain married only to one partner. The purer you are the higher you are. Eagle will not eat anything dead. Always clean itself. Joshua, the High priest couldn't fly because of filthy garments. If you clear yourself of weights, you will enjoy an open heavens.
  6. Gateway to eternity. No access to heaven if you are in sin. Ultimately Sanctification is your guarantee to heaven. Heb 12:14 follow peace with all men. Without holiness you can't see God. Battle no one, leave everything with God. 2 Chro 20:17. It's His battle.

It is clear that in fulfilling your destiny and establishing it, God must be the central, the beginning and the end. He gives you the word, forms and confirms his ways, and through trials and maturity, you receive the knowledge of God, ordained and sanctified for His glory.


Tayo Arowojolu


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