
Jer 1:5...I ordain you...

The fourth pillar is ordain. God having seen the work of your hands and your passionate heart will find you and choose you for ordination. The joy of ordination is the joy in salvation. At this stage you have moved away from being an ordinary Christian to a working Christian.

What does it mean to be ordained:
The modern definition of ordinationis “the investiture of clergy” or “the act of granting pastoral authority or sacerdotal power.” Usually, we think of an ordination service as a ceremony in which someone is commissioned or appointed to a position within the church. Often, the ceremony involves the laying on of hands.

However, the biblical definition is a little different. The word ordain in the Bible refers to a setting in place or designation; for example, Joseph was “ordained” as a ruler in Egypt (Acts 7:10); the steward in Jesus’ parable was “ordained” to oversee a household (Matthew 24:45); deacons were “ordained” to serve the Jerusalem church (Acts 6:1-6); and pastors were “ordained” in each city in Crete (Titus 1:5). In none of these cases is the mode of ordination specified, nor is any ceremony detailed; the “ordinations” are simply appointments. The word can even be used negatively, as an appointment to punishment (Luke 12:46).

Acts 13 includes a good example of a ministerial appointment: “While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’ So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off. The two of them, sent on their way by the Holy Spirit, went down to Seleucia” (vv. 2-4). In this passage, we note some key facts: 1) It is God Himself who calls the men to the ministry and qualifies them with gifts (Acts 20:28Ephesians 4:11). 2) The members of the church recognised God’s clear leading and embrace it. 3) With prayer and fasting, the church lays hands on Paul and Barnabas to demonstrate their commissioning (cf. Acts 6:61 Timothy 5:22). 4) God works through the church, as both the church and the Spirit are said to “send” the missionaries.

Against the above it is therefore clear that when God gives or ordains you for an assignment, you have to be in tune with His heart. What is He saying, doing and thinking! I say you cant leave such assignment to another. Its God assignment to you and you only. To leave such to another, is tantamount to abandonment of God's work. Hence, usually, the assignments are for life. Lets take a couple of people in the Bible:

Moses was called for life. His ordination was established in Acts 7:25. Even if Moses had wanted he could not. When he had finished his assignment, and death was near God appointed another to continue that assignment to Canaan. Joshua.

Joshua 1:1
As Moses ordination was to deliver the children of Israel from the strongman, Joshua ordination was to lead them into the promised land and divide the land. Deut 31:11

Jesus and His disciples
Jesus was careful to choose His disciples and ensure that when He was ready to be glorified, he carefully explained to them what he wanted them to do and he empowered them. Mark 16:15-20;John 13:12-17

Paul and Timothy
Same pattern. Paul's assignment was to the Gentiles,(Acts 9) and Timothy his spiritual son was ordained to impact life just as he impacted life to him. 2Tim 2:2

The question of succession as regards ordination is key and sensitive, therefore one must be careful to seek the face of the Lord that whoever takes over has the mandate of God and not man. Also that one carefully ponders not in flesh but by the Spirit.

When God calls and qualifies a man for the ministry, it will be apparent both to that man and to the rest of the church. The would-be minister will meet the qualifications set forth in 1 Timothy 3:1-16 and Titus 1:5-9, and he will possess a consuming desire to preach (1 Corinthians 9:16). It is the duty of the church elders, together with the congregation, to recognize and accept the calling.


  1. Lord take away from being just an ordinary Christian to a working Christian , I pray for the grace to complete And finish well and strong
    Thank you papa for this message


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