FUNDAMENTALS OF PRAYERS-3 'tools of Adoration, praise and thanksgiving'

Welcome back. In part 2, we considered 'adoration' as part of prayers. In fact it's the first step we need to take for an effective prayer session. Within Adoration, I touched on reverencing God, thanking him and praising him. In this part I want to look at the 'tools of adoration, praise and thanksgiving'

1. Our Heart
Our heart must be right before we adore, praise or offer thanksgiving  to God. You can't adore God with an unclean heart. An unclean heart is an unforgiving heart. Your heart, for the purpose of this article is your soul. Your soul needs to be ready and joyful to magnify the Lord. Luke 1:46. Ps 42:2; Ps 63:1 O God my God, early will I seek you, my soul thirsts for you, my flesh longs for you in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. That state of heart and soul, is a ready-made for adoration, when you are in  state of total reverence to God. 

Once you capture and place your heart right, worship is easy. In Prov 23:15, Solomon states 'My son, if your heart is wise, my heart will rejoice-Indeed I myself'. The heart, the mind and the soul are all battlegrounds for the enemy. We need to renew them on a daily basis. Rm 12:2. God himself said the heart of man is desperately wicked, who can fathom it. Gen 6:5-6; Jer 17:9 So the heart is important. If not, you have started wrongly. There are people who lead worship, adore God and their hearts are far from Him. That should not be your portion. Amen. Is 29:13.

2. Our Hands
We can adore, thank and praise God with our hands. You don't require great musical instruments, great if you have some, but your hands can perform wonders in adoration. You can clap(Ps 47:1); you can raise hands up in adoration and exaltation, you can stretch out your hands, you can put them on your head or wherever. All these are indications of total surrender and submission to God. Ps 63:4; Ps 134:2; Lam 3:41

3. Our mouth/Your lips
Some people have difficulty with using their mouth. They keep mum during adoration. I wonder why? Your mouth has been given to you to praise God. It is not to gossip but to praise His holy name. Ps 51:15; Ps 109:30; Ps 71:8; Ps 34:1; Lk 1:64(Zacharias praise God immediately his mouth was opened)

4. Musical instruments.
Ps 150
1.Praise the Lord!
Praise God in His sanctuary;
Praise Him in His mighty firmament!
2Praise Him for His mighty acts;
Praise Him according to His excellent greatness!
3Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet;
Praise Him with the lute and harp!
4Praise Him with the timbrel and dance;
Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes!
5Praise Him with loud cymbals;
Praise Him with clashing cymbals!
6Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord!
The above sums up the entirety of what we can use to praise, adore and thank Him. Miriam put timbrels (Ex 15:20 to use. We can use gangan(talking drums) set of drums, keyboard, violin, etc.

5. We can dance(2 Sam 6:14) (Ps 149:3);, sing(1Sam 18:7), shout(Ps 66:1)Joshua 6:10, prostrate (1 Chro 29:20)), sit, walk up and down

In part 4, we move on to C=Confession


  1. I will forever praise you Lord for Great is their faithfulness!!'.
    Thank you sir for sharing the word in due season.


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