Last time we looked into the general introduction to prayers. We found an acronym sifted out of Jesus guidelines to prayers. In this part I want to share my thoughts on the first letter in the acronym A

What does it mean to adore someone. It is the act of paying honour , reverent homage and fervent and devoted love.
With regards to adoring God, It goes on deeper. It goes beyond just appreciating him. It extends to honouring and acknowledging him as the Father, Abba father. 'Our father in heaven' 'Hallowed be your name' Mere saying that as an opening to any prayer, brings God's attention to bear on your prayers . You call Him Father, and you show immediately that you honour him. You acknowledge that the prayer is directed to no one but Him. This is not yet the stage of thanksgiving. It is the stage of devotion. To adore him for what He is, not what He has done for you...not yet.

What has He done as a Creator. You can spend time on the goodness of what He did in Gen 1:1-31. 'Oh my father, the perfect creator of the heavens. The earth, the lights, firmament..."
Adore Him for how good His works are. The trees, moon, animals, the deep creatures, the human specie and the complexity of our being. The things we see, and the things we can't even see. At this stage of your prayer, be imaginative. You can delve into the heavens. Look around you, the birds, little and big, the rainbows, the order of things created for our joy. Friends, you can spend many hours doing this without fail.

The psalmist says 'I remember the days of old, I meditate on all your works, I muse on the work of your hands, I spread my hands to you, my souls long for you like a thirsty land' Ps 143:5-6. You will note these verses came shortly immediately before he declares 'answer me speedily..' That is wonderful and deep. See also Ps 102:25-28. Heb 1:10 etc. This is how you adore Him. Praising him for whom he is, whom he was and whom he will be.

You can then thank him for the things he has done, he is doing and will do. Thanking God, is a bit different from adoring him. You need to be specific at this stage. Mention the things he has done, for you and in all areas of human endeavour. We read how Jesus himself before any breakthrough miracle would thank God. In John 11:41 'Father, I thank you that you have heard me...' Lazarus rose from the dead after. John 6:11. And Jesus took the loaves and when he had given thanks...' We all know that multitudes were fed miraculously. There are many other scriptures you can look into as references. In all things give thanks 1Thess 5:18.

You can then, move on to praise. Praise is part of adoration and devotion, and I prefer to bring it in at this stage. Praise is one of the tools of prayers. Get your songs ready, and or by inspiration. Meaningful songs and songs that honour Jesus and edify the souls. I love songs of Moses Ex 15:1-19, Mariam Ex 15:20-21, Hannah 1 Sam 2:2-10, Mary Lk 1:46-55; and David. Songs of Paul and Silas Acts 16:25 . All these are carefully chosen and composed and not careless and carnal songs of praise merchants. And we are told to serve with songs and hymns in Ephesians 5:19; Col 3:16; Mt 26:30. 

It is great to offer praise. 
In the next part I want to look at tools of Adoration, thanksgiving and praise and worship.


  1. Great!
    Lord you are good and your mercy endures forever
    Thank you papa


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