Mentoring: THINKING BIG...poetic secrecy revealed...part 1

The day started like any other mentoring group meetings. Little did I know that it would turn out to be just that...a mentoring meeting with a different topic and agenda. We set out to discuss the abilty to think BIG. What is thinking big, thinking out of the box, I BELIEVE. Many definitions, many suggestions. We now looked into what Ben Carson, the peadiatrician neurosurgical wonder boy said in his book, Thinking Big. It seems this is talking about breaking grounds with your thinking, creating waves beyond even your own perceived limitation, and taking yourself into heights that even your peers will shudder. I like that kind of thinking. It stresses the saying in the bible that 'as the man or woman thinketh in his heart so is he or she...It felt fresh and somehow a wake up call for all of us to think and think hard before embarking on any chore or say or utter any thing, as anything otherwise may expose us to ridicule in the face of wise thinkers or change thinkers(thinking engineers) of our We then began to look at the synonym of thinking big:

T-talent/time; H-honesty;; hope for good things; I-insight ; N-Nice/ to all people; K-knowledge
B-books: I-Indepth knowledge;G-God

It was at the I: In-depth and Insight that I opened up what has now become the unveiling of Poetic Secrecy Part 1...I am glad, lessons were learnt.

Some of the quotations reffered to:
The renown that riches or beauty confer is fleeting and frail; mental excellence is a splendid and lasting possession. Sallust (86-34 BC)

There are loyal hearts there are spirits brave, there are souls that are pure and true; then give the world the best you have, and the best will come back to you-Madeline Bridges

"Live your life to the fullest cause someone, somewhere, someplace cares for you"

We then began to open up the topic with practical experience that are simply unprintable yet palatable. How you can think yourself out of a challenge and be in charge of your destiny and your resources(i dare not say more) it became evident that this meeting gave us the best of the meetings, and taught us to eat with only 4 fingers, whilst the 6 others are safely in the sunshine(poetic secrecy).

I guess at the end of the day, it is refreshing that at last one of the poetic secrecy has seen the light of the day...Kudos to Hakeem who got in on skpe, and showed technology is wonder!


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