I find the art of burning symbols or even in the most diabolical circumstances, political burning of human beings ranked as one of the basest evil that man can do to man. However, I found it strange for an evangelical Pastor to plan, arrange and canvass for the burning of the Koran as most strange and uncalled for...it shows nothing but abject stupidity and unchristian! Could this be the beginning of Islam-phobic that may set a tinder box of inflammable consequences all over the world or its going to be seen as one of those attention seeking gesture of ignominy. Thinking about it, it can achieve nothing but unnecessary boiling of the temperature of the religious tensions all over the world. If burning of symbols have made any difference, it is only that it has caused more terrorism and undue celebration of cultures that are not worthy of such importance.How many flags of the US, UK etc have been burnt in the middle-east has changed policy, I doubt any. This pastor want publicity for his 50man congregation in this relatively unknown church. I think this Pastor need to work more on spreading the gospel than celebrating violent actions, that win no soul to the kingdom.


  1. Pastor, you said it all. The act is utter stupidity and a shameful attempt at self-righteousness.It is peoples like this that belittles the ideals of xtianity. I feel so sorry for those who sit under this man's ministration.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well addressed Pastor,
    If this so called Pastor knows the word he proclaims to uphold, he will know that the Bible and Christian faith teaches and promotes LOVE. How is this act of burning the Koran going to promote Love? It will rather increase distaste,disharmony and Hatred.

  4. @chidi; @olu
    welldone. The pastor now want a way out...wonder why he is relying on his perceived enemy to save him and save face. See a man who is foolish in his ways, he will stand before mean men and the press and not before kings and presidents and prime ministers...lol


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