Jer 1:5
...I formed you...

Having looked at the 'word' in verse 4 of Jer 1, we can now go to the second pillar to fulfilling our destiny. FORMED.

What does it mean to be formed?.

  • it means 'something that gives or determines shape; a mold
  • the manner or style of arranging and coordinating parts for a pleasing effective result.

From the Bible we learnt that the first man, Adam, was formed. Gen 2:7
In 1Tim 2:3, we read that Adam was the first person that was formed. He came right from the dust.
According to Gen 1:31, God saw all the things that he had made, including man, and he was pleased, and said all was good. So, this meets with the definition above that says, 'arranging and coordinating parts for a pleasing effective result.

Many scriptures assure us that we are directly from God:
Only Him formed us:
Ps 139:13 God formed our inward parts, and covered us in our mothers womb
Is 43:7 says, He has formed, yes, He has made.
Prov 26:10 says Great God formed everything.

So the fact that God formed us, for His likeness and pleasure, there are certain things that come with our source of formation:
1. He who formed us, will establish us. Jer 33:2
2. He who formed us will not forget us. Is 44:21
3. He who was our Potter, made us and we cant complain. We are perfect Is 29:16
4. He who formed us, assured us that we should not be afraid. Is 43:1
5. He who formed us want us to be like Him: Phil 2:6

Against the above background, it is apparent that the Perfect One formed us most fearfully and wonderfully: Is 139:14. 'I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Also, that we are made a little lower than the angels. Ps 8:5; Heb 2:7; Heb 2:9. Here little lower than angels is actually lower than Elohim, not the messager angels. In fact Jesus quoting the old testament said 'We are gods' Ps 82:6; John 10:34.

It is therefore not surprising that the enemy is envious of our being and our formation. The very fact that God created us with all the above nature worries him. Hence from the time you were formed up till the time of our birth, physically, he is out to terminate us.  He did not want that pregnancy to reach fullness.

Now that you made it out of your mother's womb, you have become a child of destiny. Immediately you stepped into the world, numerous invaders in the form of infections, attacked you. Thank God who had developed your immune system from the 14th week of your mother's pregnancy, the 'invaders' would have terminated and cut short our life at birth.

Thank God for God, who had promised that He shall bring that labour to deliverance. Is 66:9 'Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery...'

Then this is where the twist also comes in. God had guided us to an assured delivery, and a start of a new life. He now expects that we find salvation, and begin the process of discovering our destiny. What the purpose and plan he has for us.

We will look at this in part 4.http://www.nccedmonton.org.uk/


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