And finally...the two were divorced. Tiger and Ellen...they are in their minds out of the Woods, but for me as a Christian, I think, now they are further in the WOOD. like a Tiger prowling for a meal, when the prey had been alerted that there is a Tiger, prowling, angry and hungry. I appreciate that not all will agree with this little piece, but hey, this is a piece of my own heart... God hates divorce(Malachi 2:16), He has a prerogative to so hate divorce, because He instituted the marriage institution. For Him it was not good for man to be alone(Gen 2:18)hence he created the woman out of the man, so that the two can be one, naked and not ashamed. What God has joined together let no man put aside.(Matt 19:6) Well you may then say but Jesus allowed adultery to be a condition for divorce, (Matt 19:9). I will say, it was not so from the beginning. Jesus made it clear that there was 'a way it was in the beginning, and then Moses for the hardness of your heart allowed that the woma...