Blessed Not Cursed
BLESSED NOT CURSED. Deut 30:11-16 BACKGROUND The subject of curses is always sensitive for Christians. We don't like it or we shy away from discussing it. Is it denial , or do we crouch under the 'word/faith' canopy ? Or we believe we are covered and that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law. I ndeed Christ has broken t he curse of the law. Gal 3:13 is very clear on that. However, our life must be lived with the integrity of that scriptural truth. Unfortunately , as right as the word is, we don't live right, always. A Christian who speak the scripture bu t does not live it, is a Christian who 1. plants a seed and waters it, and have full confiden ce it would grow and he would be alive to eat of the harvest, just because he is a believer. We all know that life is not like that. Mt 13...