God's Big Plan
Jer 29:11 God has a big plan for you Everything God does is big. Even if it's small to the world . Look at the bible and see what he does...from the creation : His thoughts are not our thoughts His ways not ours -Is 58:8 Is 40:28 Job 26:14; Ps 147:5; Ps 8:3-4; Lk 12:7; Jer 1:5 Red Sea, falling wall of Jericho The miracles of Jesus -the raising of Lazarus, the feeding of the five thousand, the opening of the blind eyes of Bartimeus etc His foolishness is wisdom in the world -1 Cor 1:23-23 How to benefit from his plan 1. New wine can't be in old wine skin-Mark 2:22; Luke 5:37 ; get rid of the little foxes that spoil the vines Song of Solomon 2:15 2. You m ust have a tent-Extend the place of your tent-Is 54:2 ; you must have curtains. You must have a cord; you must have stakes 3. He's going to use someone. So ask that person-check out the Butler etc ; Jonathan for David; David for Mephiboseth 2Sam 9 4...